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发表于 2006-5-7 19:46:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A great, great deal has been said about the weather, but nothing is done about it." 2 U( d2 e$ D4 Z) R, B8 J7 W
-- Mark Twain4 O" F( q& P; d$ R2 M5 N/ Z; X) ^
Today we are doing something about the weather, to undo what people have done to change it. Spurred by concerns about climate change and its impacts on the environment and the economy, the New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Greenhouse  Gas Initiative (RGGI) is breaking new ground, by creating the first mandatory greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program in the United States. Spearheaded by New York State, RGGI will reduce emissions of the principal greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), in the region and perhaps provide a model for the rest of the country.. t# H4 J+ Z* s" \  E9 K
With the execution of the RGGI Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on December 20, 2005, by New York and six of its neighbors, implementation of RGGI is set to commence. This article will review the international setting for RGGI, describe the basic design of the program as set forth in the MOU, and summarize the current status of some of the other responses to climate change in the United States.
$ p( S& j6 k1 x2 N: f$ E" y) U9 o( \* ?4 }3 d8 S
Background3 a- [( r: g; H; Q: V8 {7 R0 q
The U.S. National Academy of Sciences issued a joint statement with 10 other national science academies in June of 2005 ("Joint Statement"), which observed: / x# m, X6 i! \% {. Q0 J- T4 k. {
[T]here is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring.... It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities ... [and] has already led to changes in the Earth's climate.
( p3 l: l4 `6 Z9 m% M7 KAs evidence of global warming, the Statement notes the rising surface and subsurface ocean temperatures, increases in average sea levels, retreating glaciers and changes to many physical and biological systems. The projected warming trends are, among other effects, likely to increase the frequency and severity of weather events and the melting of large ice sheets. The Joint Statement concludes by stating that it is "vital that all nations identify cost effective steps they can take now, to contribute to substantial and long term reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions." [FN1]
1 j- k7 M  |- b$ o; m- lThe underpinnings for the Joint Statement's conclusions were the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has been studying climate change since the 1980s. The panel's findings noted that CO2 levels on earth have increased from 280 parts per million (ppm) in 1750 to 375 ppm today, a level significantly higher than any CO2 level in the last 420,000 years. There is a positive correlation between CO2 emissions and temperature. "Increasing greenhouse gases are causing temperatures to rise."
# C. Z3 H$ f' |& \% I* ]; lThe scientific explanation for this is simple. CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. While this "greenhouse effect" is essential to keeping the earth from being too cold, the accumulation of greenhouse gases emitted by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal has led to today's unprecedented CO2 levels and to the consequent impact on climate.. w; K) Z$ x7 s* g: j1 q& Y+ B
World demand for energy is estimated to increase by almost 60% over the next 25 years, and fossil fuels, the principal source of CO2 produced by humans, are projected to supply 85% of this demand. This will cause a dramatic increase in the levels of CO2. And long-term solutions are required, because CO2 remains in the atmosphere for many decades. Failure to take action now will make the job much harder in the future. [FN2] Scientists have estimated that very significant reductions of CO2 are required -- well in excess of 50% by 2050 -- to stem the impact of greenhouse gases on climate change.  C. w1 s! {, o% J  h7 A. \
*44 Some contend that scientists have not been able to state with absolute certainty the extent to which current climate changes are due to natural weather variations. However, the Joint Statement concludes that "[a] lack of full scientific certainty about some aspects of climate change is not a reason for delaying an immediate response." [FN3] At a recent panel discussion by six former chiefs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, all agreed that more aggressive action to limit greenhouse gas emissions was "urgent" and that the debate over how much of the problem is caused by human activity is a "waste of time." [FN4]
: l" }! q; h( A& LSolutions proposed for climate change address not only environmental concerns, but have sweeping ramifications for the essential goals of energy independence and energy security. In his 2006 State of the Union Address, President Bush spoke from a political perspective about the critical need to move towards powering our homes and offices with "zero emission" technology and to break our "addiction to oil" by reducing our use of oil by 75% by 2025. [FN5]
; @/ c' V, A: rThe debate is now not over whether action should be taken to reduce greenhouse gases, but whether mandatory action is required or wholly voluntary action will suffice. RGGI follows the wisdom of the international community on this question and adopts a mandatory approach.. i! L+ [" `$ x4 f& g9 ^
5 @0 f7 q3 k/ @$ G$ Z2 F
International Climate Change Framework* T$ n" \3 D! m' G8 N  n' H( [
To understand RGGI one must appreciate the international setting in which it was developed. RGGI is part of a massive international effort in which countries around the world have joined together to prevent the drastic climate changes that may result from greenhouse gas emissions.7 b# k  f$ z! r& m+ J' v
The first major convening of nations on the issue took place in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the now-famed "Rio
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发表于 2006-5-8 00:05:00 | 只看该作者
what东西。。。" }0 P$ [  i8 k: p
懒得看。。! w( v3 M9 J; ]# ?- |+ ^8 [4 E
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发表于 2006-5-9 23:24:00 | 只看该作者
对着电脑笑了20分钟的笑话  : L- ?/ F# q: d5 ~, ]* N% x! a
我们语文老师听写:掀启。 6 ~0 e8 ]: c  h$ }2 K9 W2 J
0 t& a, @: N1 T3 Z% b1 r, y- T她:掀开的开,启动的动。开动!  
# F# ^4 w3 s% b6 M! E* x- N  F* i! w$ m! k8 G3 a1 v
. E' F  y# Y7 o! S& X小狗说:我妈妈叫我小狗狗,好听!
# h5 c2 }" ~. a小猪说:我妈妈叫我小猪猪,好听!   s5 E) W+ |  `/ E0 K2 |' }
小鸡说:你们聊,我先走了。。。 ! \. ]' d" |8 @, A% J

5 |* S! F3 s7 u% r有一天,,有一MM上WC没有带手纸。。正急。。  L/ ^8 r: m0 d1 N2 h0 V- S/ ^
* l  G! U& P) V1 M回答“雷锋” 7 I( z6 H  U3 s; l+ R* g; a
  D2 F. |, J' g
" Q. a) s# A/ i有一天早上升国旗,
6 ^1 W6 r- ?! n) L+ d" ]一体育老师开始宣布`立正。现在开始,升国歌,
- r( Z  }; s2 }0 c奏国旗`操场下学生哄笑!
) W7 w! \7 v3 J, Q/ u2 L  R# m# S$ J; K( }7 z5 @
$ s# j! W" ~$ t1 h$ p: W+ H( N1 q
我也说一个 快高考的时候 很渴望看电视 一次路上和同学远远看见老师朝我们走过来 我忙拽着同学,本来想说 拐弯. 结果却大叫到"转台"...... % I. Y9 ^9 O8 _8 ?: Z: [& ]1 b
0 v8 C1 D/ \6 U; o! _& t
, K$ }$ h$ k8 ?6 s7 N1 Y说个我自己的,一次和同学出去旅游晚上在宾馆打牌,已经挺晚了,大家也困了,有个人说明天要起不来了,我本来想说第一个起床的人叫大家起床,结果就说了第一个人起来叫床,别人狂笑,我巨尴尬…… 6 V* X4 g2 ]: M9 N
你的国语标准吗?请跟我一起念:万万望望、望旺万旺、万腕忘忘、万旺万旺……好了,狗狗别叫了,吃骨头罗。 2 i1 m" v1 j1 |' K
▲读出下面的字,你将获得月薪2000000的工作,试题如下:簟璁醭歙艽绱癀穑魍旃偬彘硪钚鲥硐。 : h( t( n! W5 g# W, B. h1 w( S
▲一只猪和一只企鹅被关在-20℃的冷库里,第二天企鹅死了,猪没事。为什么?你不知道?对了,猪也不知道!  2 }$ Q" L2 M2 v4 K
+ G: B- Z% H" b6 K( w▲请大声朗读::卧梅又闻花,卧枝伤恨低。邀闻卧石碎,卧湿达春绿。 : ~) \+ `: A( X. u0 ]
▲一直想对你说句话,可你知道它的分量,一旦说出,可能咱连朋友都没法做了,但我控制不住感情!现在我鼓足勇气对你说:什么时候请我吃饭? ; C4 k& B; P7 q, g( }% L( f+ F
▲记住了,第一:我永远是对的,第二:如果我错了,请参阅第一条。 ( }/ ^3 ^! @1 |& G  M. p4 m
6 ^; I2 y, T% H2 a  Z/ l; H▲你生气了吧,生气的话就哭-出-来-吧。。嘻嘻嘻嘻! ! v) Z) y7 c" _3 R3 D

/ o+ q9 g+ q$ o8 I【超级搞笑】 ) o% N/ e- w( i) g6 X: j
▲打破老婆终身制,实行小姨股份制。引入小姐竞争制,推广情人合同制。 * U. P+ ?' T, Y2 k( P4 @
! [' K3 [3 L3 s2 M& n▲给你点阳光你就灿烂,给你点洪水你就泛滥。我让老太太抹红嘴唇儿,给你点颜色看看。
) V- M. s$ U5 r% Y3 O1 y  D/ o▲希望:领导顺着你,汽车让着你,钞票贴着你,法院偏向你,官运伴着你,学校由着你,房产随便你,恋人爱着你!  
5 ?. H( W' \4 r% s* @▲男人二十是奔腾,三十是微软,四十是松下,五十是联想。 5 @1 c' k0 g3 q- f3 F
▲单身是领悟,恋爱是失误,分手是觉悟,结婚是错误,离婚是醒悟,再婚是执迷不悟,没有情人是废物,情人多了是动物。 ; `+ v1 Q6 `) W$ u
▲初见倾心,再见痴心。终日费心,欲得芳心。煞费苦心,想得催心。难道你心,不懂我心!   Q, x4 |) V! D0 f5 b" }# k
▲笨笨男人+笨笨女人=结婚;笨笨男人+聪明女人=离婚;聪明男人+笨笨女人=婚外情;聪明男人+聪明女人=浪漫爱情;我们? 7 n7 o' ~1 ?! l$ r9 }) q0 y# q. u
▲你的眼睛眨一下,我就死去,你的眼睛再眨一下,我就活过来,你的眼睛不停地眨来眨去,于是我便死去活来! * t$ \; P$ o% {: ~$ V0 L6 l
) u, ~9 c# C# k& w8 P8 f▲祝你致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。   G% p5 }; l& o* ?, p8 g6 Q$ E
, b, ~" N6 |. L- _▲谁说我斗鸡眼?我只是把视线集中在一点以改变我以往对事物的看法!
) C! u- q! r2 ]4 W) q  @5 S- ^+ [; R' [( P% ^
【搞笑手机短讯】 6 l6 C, |! p- d
▲国王要100头猪。大臣只带了99头。国王说:“还有1头猪呢”?大臣说:“还有1头正在看短消息!” / [. v1 f" }8 C( O9 a7 ]
▲经系统检测,你的手机已感染WAP病毒。请马上打开机身,将电路板弯成90度角! 6 ^% y7 z6 x1 `
▲一个国王正让大臣找一百只乌龟,结果大臣找回九十九只,国王询问原因,大臣说:另一只正看手机呢! 8 K& i9 Z7 r' n( p- w) H
3 b" G! a3 b( n$ ~5 F[1]动物类:
! [" v3 U# @* m" [▲与你偶遇,慌乱的我不知所措。你含情脉脉的双眸,我无法回避。我明白你的心。我拼命跑开你却紧紧相随。我哭喊着:“谁家的狗没人管?”
5 J" g0 y# m+ B0 w& f; B◆我昨晚梦到你了:我们漫步在小河边,相互依偎着。你抬头凝视着我的眼睛,深情地吐出三个字……汪汪汪
# z! I+ R* X- \" V5 r3 R) \●乌鸦说:我是天鹅中烧炭的;麻雀说:我是孔雀中抽鸦片的;鹦鹉说:我是燕子中坐台的;烤鸭说:我是自焚的
9 ~0 [2 i, n5 Z9 e[2]恶心类:
% m/ J* F; F# ^  j& N▲送你一份有屎以来,粪量最重的礼物,你一定会大吃一斤,还要多多饱含,如觉粪量不够还请自便!
9 B/ ~3 k) K* U2 x. @◆人生至古谁无屎,有谁大便不用纸?若君不用卫生纸,莫非你是用手指!
- E: Q: n" M8 W, e5 u% s[3]成人类: + s- o! k- ]) {$ _& w
▲日本某赛事参赛阵容:男选手有龟头正雄和一夜五次郎,女选手有梅川库子和见君脱库子。裁判为韩国社经巨子朴成性 ( i7 K1 I1 s: s
◆一尼姑去医院做B超,粗心的护士将一孕妇的化验单给了她。尼姑看了以后叹了口气道:“这年头,连胡萝卜都靠不住了。” : H; Y; G( x$ l9 F  q" r
0 p# i% Y" i* J7 ~; T7 W4 m[4]爱情类:
5 O: ~; {) K: m+ ~▲我们要天天思念,但不要天天相见。我负责美丽妖艳,你负责努力赚钱。你可以和别人相恋,但不要让我发现,若被我碰见,哼……耗子药煮面! / k) e! |, q' L' q% Y. m. }/ y8 M
◆读这讯息,你已欠我一个拥抱;删这讯息,欠我一个吻;存这讯息,欠我一个约会;要是回复,你欠我全部;要不回复,你就是我的 - K6 R- b: [# W" i
●可爱的你偷走了我的情,盗走了我的心,我决定告上法庭?法官翻遍了所有的纪录和案例后,陪审团一致通过:判你终身伴我! 1 m" j% \; T6 l% d7 F! e/ N
" K: K" \2 N7 [% j& E+ |; @2 Y. k▲听说你被拐卖,真地把我吓坏,你虽从小痴呆,却对社会无害,谁人如此大胆,竟敢拿你去卖,我真替他担心,卖得掉才怪!
  i/ b& i' j' W/ f; X0 m+ @0 d◆知道吗?我一直暗恋你,想你的脸、你的唇、你的舌头、你的耳朵,可是我太穷没勇气表白,现在我有钱了,我可以大声说“老板,把那个猪头切一半给我”
- s& R. x$ k5 g4 \● 亲爱的,你知道吗?你近来消瘦了许多!我是看在眼里,疼在心里呀,眼看就要过年了,你的身体却让人担心……谁不想让自己的猪多杀几斤呢!
; _  k5 g2 O4 T; u/ C[6]整人类: % C4 u2 b( ]6 R& B8 D& |
  i, H/ K% C2 W+ |; v◆天生我才必有用,唯独是情弄不懂!某日王帝托梦来,明早八点起床后,吃完蛋糕就会懂(试读每句第三字会有惊喜) 9 o" k. g  W8 d0 K% u: q
" E  k5 r; |. O& M[7]世间百态: 0 _3 r, p# C8 V$ z! c. P6 }1 [
▲在一辆拥挤的公车上,一位女郎忽然叫了起来:别挤啦!别挤啦!把人家的奶都挤出来啦!(她拿着酸奶呢) 3 }5 i5 P6 ]7 ^' H" @+ G
◆某公厕对联:天下英雄豪杰,到此无不低头屈膝;世间贞女节妇,进来纷纷解带宽裙;横批:天地正气 0 K3 g5 Y$ l, F5 U
# G! @3 l9 A0 ?0 d! D* Q* O[8]愚人类:
" A6 T- z% i6 m: |" U1 {▲我在天空写下你的名字,却被风儿带走了;在沙滩写下你的名字,却被浪花带走了;在街上写下你的名字,可是我被警察带走了
! ]! S0 _  `8 q' H/ E- _  x9 H◆一农夫请兽医给猪配种,兽医说:看来需要人工配种。农夫犹豫了半天,鼓起勇气说:行是行,就怕它咬我。
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